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  1. Wakasaya Topiary Clippers - Leather Grip

Wakasaya Topiary Clippers - Leather Grip

⚠️ Sorry, Wakasaya Topiary Clippers - Leather Grip is discontinued. Please take a look at our alternative Sentei Topiary Clippers

  • 4.7" blades
  • Max cut Ø0.1"
  • Made in Sanjo, Japan
Wakasaya Topiary Clippers - Leather Grip

Long Holster is in stock, available to dispatch worldwide, or contact us for showroom stock availability.

  • 4.1oz
  • 11.2 x 3.2"
  • 3mm Leather
  • Made in China
Long Holster

Product description

Nothing beats these one-handed Topiary Clippers for box clipping and other topiary: easy on the hand thanks to the 5" blades and spring action, easy on the eye thanks to the graceful, simple design, and infinitely better than ordinary sheep shears (which are fine if you have the forearms of a Kiwi sheep farmer, but useless for the rest of us.) The Japanese name (hakaribasami) means leaf cutters: it’s important not to cut old, hard wood, only soft new growth.

Best usage

Dip blades in a weak mix of bleach or Jeyes Fluids every so often when working, to stop them clogging, and tohelp prevent spreading nasty viruses. Use wire wool to scrub off any stubborn leaf resin.

⚠️ Sorry, Wakasaya Topiary Clippers - Leather Grip is discontinued. Please take a look at our alternative Sentei Topiary Clippers
⚠️ Sorry, Wakasaya Topiary Clippers - Leather Grip + Long Leather Holster is discontinued. Please take a look at our alternative Sentei Topiary Clippers + Long Leather Holster