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  1. For gathering and pruning in the garden
  2. For cut flowers and ikebana in the home
  3. Sentei Garden Scissors
  4. Sentei Garden Scissors (open view)

Sentei Garden Scissors

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Sentei Garden Scissors is in stock, available to dispatch worldwide, or contact us for showroom stock availability.

  • 6.6oz
  • 6.8 x 4 x 0.7"
  • 2" blades
  • Max cut Ø0.2"
  • KA-70 Carbon Steel
  • Made in Japan
Sentei Garden Scissors

Garden Scissor Holster is in stock, available to dispatch worldwide, or contact us for showroom stock availability.

  • 3.5oz
  • 8.5 x 5.3"
  • 3mm Leather
  • Made in China
Garden Scissor Holster

Product description

Fab little garden scissors, absolutely brilliant for cut flowers, dead-heading and light pruning, as well as for pottering about aimlessly looking for something to snip.

Sharp, precise blades make for satisfying, clean cuts on softer green stems, as well as being beefy enough to cut through woodier stems up to around pencil thickness.

The traditional round handles are easy to grab, comfy to hold, and allow for the perfect sensitivity of delicate and accurate cuts, combined with great grip for more substantial stuff. They’re fairly small, perfect for smaller hands and jobs in the garden and the home.

Best usage

Use the tips for careful work and make bigger cuts further down the blades.

Hold these slightly differently to ‘normal’ scissors’ – your index finger should rest on the outer edge of the handle.

Sentei Garden Scissors is in stock, available to dispatch worldwide, or contact us for showroom stock availability.Add to Wishlist
Sentei Garden Scissors + Leather Holster is in stock, available to dispatch worldwide, or contact us for showroom stock availability.Add to Wishlist