Niwaki Hori Hori Pro
$42.50 exVAT
Enormous hand saw for planking up trunks… read the full description.
It’s hard to express how magnificent this saw is: modelled on the traditional design used by foresters in Japan for centuries, it is designed for chopping trees up rather than just pruning them - these are still used for planking up trunks in Japan. The angled neck gives a great cutting position that whistles through trunks and branches. As if that wasn’t enough, there’s then the name: Genki is a great Japanese word meaning healthy, full of enthusiam and energy. Temagari means cut by hand. Enthusiastic Hand Saw.
Fed up with chainsaws? Get a Genki.
Japanese Pruning Saws are great. They cut on the pull stroke, not the push, which means the blade is under less pressure when cutting, and uses less energy, resulting in a far cleaner, faster cut. They whizz through green wood, but the blades are more fragile than traditional western saws and incorrect use can result in damage.