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  1. Silky Genki Temagari

Silky Genki Temagari
The Biggest Saw Imaginable

Enormous hand saw for planking up trunks… read the full description.


⚠ Sorry, Silky Genki Temagari is not available. Please Contact Us for advice on alternatives.

  • 1lb 3.5oz
  • 2' 5.6 x 2.9 x 0.9"
  • 1' 7.7" blades
  • SK-4 Steel
  • Rubber handles
  • Made in Ono, Japan
Silky Genki Temagari

Product description

It’s hard to express how magnificent this saw is: modelled on the traditional design used by foresters in Japan for centuries, it is designed for chopping trees up rather than just pruning them - these are still used for planking up trunks in Japan. The angled neck gives a great cutting position that whistles through trunks and branches. As if that wasn’t enough, there’s then the name: Genki is a great Japanese word meaning healthy, full of enthusiam and energy. Temagari means cut by hand. Enthusiastic Hand Saw.

Best usage

Fed up with chainsaws? Get a Genki.

Japanese Pruning Saws are great. They cut on the pull stroke, not the push, which means the blade is under less pressure when cutting, and uses less energy, resulting in a far cleaner, faster cut. They whizz through green wood, but the blades are more fragile than traditional western saws and incorrect use can result in damage.

  • Use a smooth, gentle sawing action, doing the cutting on the pull, and gliding back on the push
  • Don’t let the weight of the branch pinch or catch the blade
  • Don’t twist the blade while sawing
  • Don’t use a small saw for a large job. Treat 1/3 of the length of the blade as the absolute maximum sensible cutting diameter
  • Don’t use a large saw for a small job. A 12" blade will happily cut a 1/2" branch, providing the branch is rigid - but most 1/2" branches move around a lot, and don’t allow for accurate sawing. Use Secateurs or Loppers instead
  • Don’t blame us if you snap the blade. Blades snap through misuse and poor handling, neither of which are covered under the warranty!
⚠️ Sorry, Silky Genki Temagari is not available. Please Contact Us for advice on alternatives.
