Single Holster • Standard
$26.00 exVAT
Something for the weekend?
Satisfyingly dimpled, golf ball-like textured aluminium handles give these secateurs an unusual look, and a purposeful, reassuring feel.
Great indoors for cut flowers and houseplants, as well as for general pruning in the garden.
Shumatsu means ‘weekend’ in Japanese, but they will work equally well on a Tuesday afternoon.
Delivering to US (Paying in USD) Edit
Please note: By law, we are not permitted to sell a knife or blade to any person under the age of 18. By placing an order for one of these items you are declaring that you are 18 years of age or over. These items must be used responsibly and appropriately.
UK: (excluding Tripod Ladders)
Global: (excluding Tripod Ladders)
*Customs fees may apply and are estimated during checkout. Surcharges may apply to some larger or heavier items to some areas.
* Please note Niwaki are not responsible for any import duty, taxes or fees incurred and these will be will be collected by our courier during customs clearance — For EU countries, when possible DHL will provide an estimate on the order confirmation page.
$26.00 exVAT
$52.00 exVAT
$2.50 exVAT
$2.50 exVAT
$34.50 exVAT
From $85.50 exVAT
$42.50 exVAT
From $289.00 exVAT
$42.50 exVAT
$15.00 exVAT
From $39.00 exVAT
$15.00 exVAT
$45.50 exVAT
$34.50 exVAT
$45.50 exVAT