Shapton Professional Whetstone
Ha No Kuromaku
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Shapton Professional Whetstone • #8000 is in stock:
Shapton Professional Whetstone • #12000 is in stock:
Shapton Professional Whetstone • #5000 is in stock:
Shapton Professional Whetstone • #2000 is in stock:
Shapton Professional Whetstone • #1500 is in stock:
Shapton Professional Whetstone • #1000 is in stock:
Shapton Professional Whetstone • #320 is in stock:
Product description
Great ceramic whetstones from Shapton for kitchen knives, chisels, planes etc. The Professional range has long been admired for its efficient cutting, and is a firm favorite among woodworkers. Somewhere around #1000 and #2000 is the perfect grade for regular kitchen knife sharpening - in fact, a well known chef’s school in Tokyo gives one of these to each student as a leaving present. Plastic case doubles as a holding base, but you can just use a towel.
Splash with water before use. Store dry. Don’t drop.
Best usage
#320, #2000 and #5000 will do your entire knife collection