Masashi Kobo Mioroshi
Filleting Knife
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Please note: By law, we are not permitted to sell a knife or blade to any person under the age of 18. By placing an order for one of these items you are declaring that you are 18 years of age or over. These items must be used responsibly and appropriately.
Product description
The single bevelled Mioroshi is a lighter weight filleting knife, lying somewhere between the heavier Deba and the more slender Yanagiba. Although the blade is not as thick as a Deba’s, it is still substantial and will deal with medium-boned fish, but is also delicate enough for slicing and portioning - A great all-round knife.
Masashi hand forges these himself in his workshop in Sanjo, Niigata. He hand laminates the shirogami white paper steel to the softer steel jigane cladding, and attends to every detail himself. Masashi trained under his uncle Yoshida-san at Yoshikane knives.
Best usage
Although this is a heavier weight knife, it is NOT suitable for cutting through meat bones.
More about Masashi
Masashi Yamamoto trained under his uncle, Yoshida san at Yoshikane, and produces knives of stunning quality - primarily in his signature SLD steel, a hard wearing, very-nearly-stainless-steel. In 2018 Masashi moved his forge to a new factory in Sanjo (in Niigata Prefecture) and now has two apprentices working with him.
We think he looks a little like Christopher Walken, and he claims to be a children’s ski instructor - something we don’t doubt.