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  1. Niwaki HQ Workshops: Natural Dyes & Furoshiki, Saturday 2 December
  2. Niwaki HQ Workshops: Natural Dyes & Furoshiki
  3. Niwaki HQ Workshops: Natural Dyes & Furoshiki. Photo: Sinden Studios
  4. Niwaki HQ Workshops: Natural Dyes & Furoshiki. Photo: Natasha Marshall
  5. Niwaki HQ Workshops: Natural Dyes & Furoshiki

Niwaki HQ Workshops: Natural Dyes & Furoshiki
With SALT Textiles, Saturday 2 December

Join Niwaki and Jordan Maxwell, artist and founder of SALT, for an inspiring festive workshop exploring the art of natural dyes and furoshiki cloth wrapping. … read the full description.

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  • 2 hour workshop
  • Niwaki Semley, Dorset
  • No experience necessary
  • All tools and materials provided
  • Light refreshments provided
  • 8 participants per workshop

Product description

Saturday 2 December
11am to 1pm
At Niwaki HQ Showroom
7 Chaldicott Barns, Semley

In this two hour workshop you will learn how to create botanical dyes using seasonal wild plants, food waste and traditional pigments such as aldar cones, pomegranate skins and red madder. 

You will hand-dye your cloth using traditional tie-dye and simple shibori techniques, and whilst your dye is developing, discover the beautiful Japanese art of furoshiki cloth wrapping – a meaningful and sustainable approach to gifting.

Skills and knowledge you can expect to learn and what you will take away with you at the end

  • Knowledge of suitable fibres and equipment for dye projects
  • How to use mordants, both mineral and plant-based
  • A guide to common, seasonal dyestuffs and knowledge of how to create a dye bath
  • Furoshiki techniques for the festive season
  • Your own naturally dyed cloth for furoshiki or your own craft projects
  • Aftercare for dyed pieces.

This workshop is suitable for beginners and seasoned dyers wanting to learn furoshiki techniques.

There will be warming herbal teas to sip throughout the workshop. Please bring a waterproof bag to take home your furoshiki wrapping cloths in, as they will be damp at the end of this workshop.

About SALT Textiles

SALT Textiles is a meditation on a craft, founded by textiles artist Jordan Maxwell. Her work explores our relationship to the every day through natural materials and slow processes. Jordan considers not only the material aspect of textile work but the subtle states conjured through intentional creative practice; working with the elements and natural cycles.

Jordan favours organic materials, traditional methods and wild plant dyes when creating pieces for SALT. Though she works primarily within the medium of textiles, Jordan has studied the devotional arts of meditation, folk herbalism and the Wise Woman Tradition.

In addition to artworks and collections of functional objects, Jordan shares her craft through natural dye workshops, mending circles and online programmes.

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