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  1. Atoma Diamond Plate

Atoma Diamond Plate

#400 grit diamond plate for sharpening and lapping… read the full description.

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Atoma Diamond Plate is in stock:

  • 1lb 3.5oz
  • 8.3 x 3 x 0.4"
  • Monocrystaline diamond chips / Aluminium
  • Made in Japan
Atoma Diamond Plate

Product description

Very useful #400 grit diamond stones for coarse sharpening and, crucially, for lapping and flattening your waterstones. An adhesive layer of monocrystaline diamond chips is backed onto a 10mm thick block of aluminium giving a solid, stable and flat product.

Always use wet, and work gently. For lapping, smooth off wetstones in a circular, figure-of-eight action.

Best usage

A great solution for flattening your stones.

Atoma Diamond Plate is in stock, available to dispatch worldwide, or contact us for showroom stock availability.Add to Wishlist